Find in Jobs Agency FM all the experience of a great team
Meet us and be part of this big family

Teresa Fernández de Mesa
Jobs Agency FM Director
My name is Teresa Fernández de Mesa and I want to welcome you to our agency: Jobs Agency FM.
If you’ve come this far, it’s because you’re considering your future employment or otherwise, you’ve meditated and have made the decision to go to work abroad: England, Ireland, Dubai, Australia … or any other corner of the world.
If it is a decision you have already made, let me congratulate you for being so brave, I am sure that it is a wise decision and it will leave a positive mark for rest of your life. We want to count on you and we will help you. However, if you are someone who is not decide yet, and you are just looking for information, we are here to give you advice and help you make your dreams come true.
Our services are absolutely free: continued counselling and job search. We are here to find that job that can help you demonstrate your value and where you can fulfil yourself both, professionally and personally.
We love people like you: brave, not afraid of giving a step forward and aware of the much they have to offer. We believe in people and the potential they have inside. I know from experience your circumstances:
Five years ago my daughter was in the same situation as you: just finished her degree and with an uncertain employment future. And here is when her adventure began and so did mine. Now it’s your turn: we start this adventure together?
Jobs Agency FM team

I am 26 years old and I work as a secretary in Jobs Agency FM since July 2015. I consider myself a hard worker and organized person, but most of all I want help people find a job abroad, since I have already lived the experience and I totally recommend to everyone.

I am 24 years old and I work at Jobs Agency FM as a consultant since January 2016. I am an active person and the fact that I studied for four years in the United States and worked in London for a year allows me advise in a closer way to people who want undertake the same adventure of going to work abroad.

I am 22 years old and I’m the Community Manager of Jobs Agency FM. I am a passionate of social media and I am in charge of the Marketing online. I am keen on direct contact with clients: working with and for people is gratifying and motivating, specially when it is for helping them to pursue new professional opportunities.

I am 27 years old and I work as a nurse in England. My professional experience covers public and private hospitals, mental health, and nursing homes. I am the nursing consultant of Jobs Agency FM, so I can act as a consultant in everything related to the nursing area: requirements, processes, interviews.
Our values
Honesty. It is the most important value we seek to convey. We are clear and direct, always giving a transparent service.
Commitment. Being consistent and responsible we manage to establish a strong professional relationship with our candidates, collaborative entities and customers.
Professionalism and seriousness. Our treatment is respectful and dignified, basing our relationship on trust and honesty.
Effectiveness. This is what we show throughout the selection process, applying our knowledge and experience to work fast and with high quality.
Passion and enthusiasm. We love what we do, we spread our optimism to others.
Teamwork. We value the dynamism, we get involved and work closely to achieve our goals.
Punctuality. We have a multidisciplinary team that accomplishes the work in the agreed time.
Our objectives
Give an honest and efficient service to the hospitals looking for staff as well as to the candidates interested in working abroad.
Create a strong team that can meet the needs and expectations of our customers.
Give a close and continuous treatment, people is what matters the most to us so make sure they are well taken care of.
Caring our procedures from beginning to end in order to provide a personalized and high-quality attention.
Grow slowly, taking care of our reputation of being a leading recruitment agency in Spain.