Work as a nurse in Ireland

A nurse in Ireland can work in both the private and the public sector. Of course the requirements and demands are different for both. We can help you find a job in all the following areas: nursing homes, private clinics, private hospitals and with the HSE public hospitals all over Ireland. We will accompany you throughout the process, starting with your interview to helping you find accommodation for living in Ireland.

All of this is provided free of charge.

Current Situation

Unfortunately, due to the crisis, the number of nurses from all over the world looking for a job, being Ireland one of the most considered destinations, has increased considerably. However, the demand for nurses is still very high which means the chances for finding a job are still also very high.

Jobs Agency FM is involved with candidates in finding the job that best suits your needs, but always taking into account the language and experience requirements.

Your goals should be realistic. Dublin is the most sought after city when for looking for a job and in turn, only the most qualified are hired. The requirements of language and experience are higher.

The requirements

The essential requirements for every nurse to apply for a job in Ireland are:

  • Nursing college degree.
  • From 2 April, 2018, a new English level will be required with IELTS/OET certificates and other evidences (see requirements here).
  • Having your Nursing registration from Spain.
  • Not being suspended or disbarred for malpractice.
  • Having your PIN from the NMBI (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland).

A newly graduated nurse has real chances to work in a public hospital in Ireland.

If you have some postgraduate experience it is valued positively but is not determinant. There are some hospitals looking for newly graduated nurses and others that only recruit experienced international nurses. Jobs Agency FM have contacts with hospitals and nursing homes that are interested in interviewing newly graduated nurses, as long as their level of English is the ideal.

A nurse can work in Ireland in both, the private and the public sector. The requirements and demands are not the same for both sectors.  Send us your resumé and we will study other options for you.

It is important you be aware that private hospitals require a specific profile of nurses with experience and a good English level, because of the type of patient they treat. They are patients that pay for private services and therefore their expectations and demands are usually higher.

Jobs Agency FM will help you find the job that best suits your situation, whether you have postgraduate experience or you are a newly grad nurse, and it is all for free.


As the majority of Spanish nurses want to work in the public sector, otherwise known as the HSE, we have put together a list of advantages and disadvantages for you to consider. We would also like to highlight that working in a private hospital in the UK or Ireland has a huge number of advantages as well.

Advantages of working in the HSE

  • Due to high demand for nurses, it is easy to find a job.
  • Time worked abroad in the public sector is evaluated in Spain when you apply for a job in the public health system.
  • Salaries are higher than in Spain and very similar to UK.
  • The work is very varied and you can learn a lot.
  • There is a real possibility for continuous development. In Ireland, employees are required to continue receiving training and attend courses. You will be continually offered these courses and you also have the right to request them.
  • Opportunities for promotion and change of band with the corresponding salary increase.
  • Stable job: once the evaluation period is finished, the contracts are usually permanents.
  • HSE Pension Plan (One of the best in the country).


  • Salaries are much lower with the HSE than private hospitals in general and the workload is higher.
  • Your level of English must correspond to your role and the amount of responsibility.
  • The pace of work can be much higher than expected and sometimes hospitals are short staffed which means that your work load will get higher.
  • Family members and can file official complaints if they are not happy with the service received
First you have to register

Start your adventure with us.


Working in private hospitals in Ireland is on the Top Ten list of aspirations for a nurse. You will probably be working hand in hand with the top surgeons in the country and with the most highly qualified doctors. The salaries are higher than you can expect to receive anywhere in Ireland and the working environment is absolutely fantastic.

Jobs Agency FM recommends this type of work for nurses who already have a high level of English, experience working in a hospital and/or are tired of working in the public sector or simply need a change form public to private area.

Of course, patients who pay for private insurance also require a higher level of attention and care than patients in the public sector. Besides, there are commodities and types of care available that one can rarely receive from the HSE. One has to be very kind, pleasant, polite and handle patients with a lot of empathy. Excellent bed side manners are required. One must be able to connect with all kinds of patients but at the same time be able to keep a distance. Most nurses who choose to work in the private sector are those who meet the following criteria:

  • They usually have several years of experience working in nursing homes, in the HSE or in private clinics.
  • Earning points required for the Spanish public health services is not their priority.
  • They prefer giving each and every patient the time they feel is necessary, with no hurry or pressure.

Advantages of working in a private hospital

  • The salary is much higher than in any HSE hospital.
  • The nurse to patient ratio is much lower.
  • The work load is lower.
  • The pace of work and work related stress is also lower.


  • The amount of training and opportunities for continuous development is not as high as in the HSE.
  • Time worked in private hospitals translates into less points for jobs in public health services.
  • Every autonomous community works this out differently, for this reason we advise asking the communities directly for this information. Overall hours worked do count, but always less than time worked in the HSE.
  • "I met JobsAgency FM through social networks, and their attentive response encouraged me to move forward. They accompanied and advised me throughout the registration process in Ireland, and in a few months I obtained my NMBI PIN. Nowadays, I am working in an Irish public hospital: the induction process is programmed seriously, facilitating me the linguistic immersion and in the hospital routine. I will always be grateful to JobsAgency FM for making this experience possible. Thanks again!"

    Isabel de Castro
    Isabel de Castro Nurse in Public Hospital Dublin


If you do not feel comfortable with pressure and you love work with Elderly patients, then your best option is to work in a nursing home. The rhythm is slower, less rushed and less stressful. It is without a doubt the best place to improve your English at your own pace.

It is important to note that the concept of nursing homes in Ireland is not the same as it is in Spain. In Ireland, nursing homes are similar to large villas and country houses plus they offer the same services as a good hotel: Individual accommodation with communal areas, gardens, activities, etc.

Advantages of working in a Nursing home

Job interviews in the comfort of your own home

Nursing homes look for people who are enthusiastic, committed to their jobs and ready to get involved and work in a team. This is why a positive attitude during the job interview is fundamental. At Jobs Agency FM we will help you prepare your interview with our recommendations and advice on how to pass a job interview successfully. You don’t have to go anywhere for the interview, you can do it in the comfort of your own home by phone or Skype (video conference) at a time that suits both parties.

Improve your English skills

Your level of English will be greatly reinforced since you are in a health environment where you can acquire a great variety of vocabulary that will serve you when you go to a hospital. This is possible by having a slower pace of work.

Immerse yourself completely in the irish health system

The Spanish health system and the Irish one are totally different. It usually takes a while to learn the way they do things there and why they are done in that way.  Learn and enjoy learning at your own pace.

Obtain English references

In Spain we are not accustomed to needing references, in Ireland it is required by law. Every time you change jobs you need two references (reference letters are not enough) that should be printed and filled out in English, duly stamped, signed, dated, scanned and sent to your employer.

Having irish references is very positively evaluated. Candidates who have been working in Ireland for years and have good references are preferred over those who have no experience working in Ireland, even if they have years of experience working in Spain.


  • The work here can get quite monotonous as you always have similar patients with the same illnesses.
  • Learning and practice is not as varied as in a hospital for the same reason.
Jobs Offers

Discover the latest job openings for nurses in Ireland

Which are the differences from working in England?

Living expenses are much lower than in UK, so your purchasing power would be higher than working in England.

The wide range of rental market. It is easy to find a fitting accommodation, even at affordable prices.

There are a lot of job opportunities. Moreover, the island of Ireland is full of astonishing landscapes, friendly locals, stunning coasts. The perfect country if you are looking for some fresh air and want to make new friends.

Regarding to registration process, as for the level of english it is less tight than in UK


Jobs Agency FM is a Spanish company, run by Spanish personnel with clients all over Ireland. It is always best to ask any questions and clear up any doubts in your own language, than to embark on this adventure on your own and without support.

Jobs Agency FM can advise you throughout the process, what you have to do, where how and when. There is a lot of paperwork involved once you do get a job. Jobs Agency FM will be with you every step of the way, for free.

If you choose to let us help you with your job search, you can send us your CV and we will send you our tips and recommendations on how to embark on this adventure. If you wish to go with friends, just let us know and we can set it up for all of you to do the interview together.

Please keep in mind that we do not look for jobs for anyone who doesn’t have a PIN,  is not in the process of obtaining the PIN or is not planning to obtain one immediately.


How much does a nurse in Ireland earn? This is a frequently asked question and can only be answered in general terms. Usually, the salary of a nurse depends on her experience and the  HSE pays according to a  salary scale. You will increase your salary for every year you work. It could be different in a private Hospital.

Regarding to living expenses, living in Ireland is not very different from living in Spain, it is quite similar although Ireland is more expensive. There are many hospitals that offers free accommodation, and also service’s discounts. It depends on which hospital you work for.

In Ireland, nurses make more money working in the private health sector (nursing homes, clinics and exclusive private hospitals) than in the public sector or HSE. In Spain this is the opposite, nurses earn more in the public sector.

The salary for a nurse working in the Public Sector varies according to level. These levels are organized in bands ranging from one to nine. The salary is calculated according to the band you are in. I recommend taking a look at the updated salaries for different levels on the HSE website.


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Tips for candidates

With these tips you’ll better prepare your job interviews

We teach you the best way to write a good Resumé


Learn and use these tips and do not make your interview your first practice

Phone number

Prepare in advance all the possible questions for the interview