Devido à crise de saúde causada pelo COVID-19, somos obrigados a suspender temporariamente todas as atividades até que possam ser desenvolvidas novamente.
Enfermería 21, from Paradigma group, publishes an interview with one of the many nurses placed in Dublin by Jobs Agency FM during the year 2019. Isabel de Castro is a nurse who was helped [...]
We are so very grateful for starting this New Year sharing the experience of one of the Jobs Agency FM candidates. This is the case of Nora Dris, an example that nothing is impossible. She [...]
Congress of Royal College of Nursing held in Liverpool from May 13 to 17, 2017. According to a survey conducted by the prestigious Nursing Times magazine, about half of the UK nursing staff [...]
Teresa Fernández de Mesa, manager of Enfermeras FM (now Jobs Agency FM) explains in ED economíaDigital how is the employment situation for Spanish nurses in the UK due to Brexit. In addition to [...]
Se eu tivesse que contar os começos da Agência de Emprego FM, sem qualquer tipo de coragem, eu teria que confessar com humildade que essa empresa nasceu por acaso: Minha filha mais velha terminou [...]