Enfermería 21, from Paradigma group, publishes an interview with one of the many nurses placed in Dublin by Jobs Agency FM during the year 2019.


Isabel de Castro is a nurse who was helped to apply for NMBI registration and placed in an Irish public hospital through Jobs Agency FM. In the interview published by Paradigm Group, Isabel explains her experience and first impressions as a Spanish nurse in Dublin, the capital city of Ireland. Through the questions asked, we will discover why she decided to move to this country and what is the difference between Spain and Ireland when exercising her nursing profession. She works in a gynecology and maternity unit.

In addition, from a positive and optimistic point of view, Isabel conveys to us how pleasant and enriching it is to live abroad for a while, in this case Dublin, a historic and cosmopolitan city of singular charm.

If you refer to your job or profession as your vocation, if you want to know a new culture and you handle English language well, in Jobs Agency FM you can find, like Isabel, all the advice and support you need to access a quality job in Ireland or England .

We are currently offering stable job positions in Dublin and it is a very attractive destination for many of our candidates. You can read the full  interview online, in DICEN (Independent Journal of Nursing Content), with the title “Nurses around the world: work in Dublin”.